Wednesday, February 2, 2011

{Waiting Wednesday}


Age 1


Little Aiden was born 3/25/2009. He is active and talkative. His caretakers say that he is very smart and learns quickly. Aiden can say words like sock, and shoe. His fine motor skills are developed. He likes to build with blocks and play ball.

When Aiden was found, there was a note stating that he had eye problems. The orphanage did not see any signs of vision issues. Aiden could catch a ball that was thrown to him and retreive objects. However, because of the note, he was given an ultra sound on his eyes. The ultrasound showed parenchyma mass of both eyes and detacted retina of his right eye.



Age 3


This cheerful little boy was born 5/1/2007. His caretakers say that he is extroverted and vivacious. Hunter is a smart little guy who can count to ten and distinguish between colors. He is good at expressing himself. He is also helpful and thoughtful of others. Hunter likes riding bikes, singing children's songs and taking baths.

Hunter was born with syndactyly of fingers of his right hand (fingers fused together) This has been surgically corrected. The surgery was successful both cosmetically and functionally. He was also born with a mild CHD that self corrected.



Age 1


Shane was born at only 27 weeks gestation on March 14th, 2009, weighing a mere 2 pounds. He was hospitalized for 5 months, undergoing two shunt surgeries for hydrocephalus. At 18 months of age, his development is delayed; however, he does a quick army crawl, is pulling himself up to stand and can take a few steps.

For more information on one of these Waiting Children, click on the name above!

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