Sunday, October 24, 2010

sisters by birth & divine intervention.

"Through the few documents that I have from my adoption, I have the knowledge that at the time I was adopted I had five siblings in my birth family. Not until I recently started going through my file, did I know the number siblings and have yet to learn of gender. I have just always known that I did have some. In the past few months, after making this discovery, I find myself thinking about the 5 people on this earth that are may be my sisters. It is odd to think that I have might have other sisters in this world when I have always only known to have one. My sister Jenelle is 10 years older than myself. I have been told that when my parents brought me home from the airport, my brothers and especially my sister were beyond excited at my arrival. My mom has told me that my sister Jenelle thought of me as a little doll and that I was her baby. My crib was in her room and she would get up with me many times in the middle of the night. I remember being a child and following my sister around, wanting to be just like her and doing everything she was doing.

In growing up, Jenelle and I have figured out that we are polar opposites. Our styles, tastes, humor and even personalities are so different from each other. We do share similarities in the fact that we are both short, we love food, talking and ganging up on our mom. Although our differences are great and our commonalities are few, we just know each other and that's why we are so close. Jenelle just gets me and she is so patient with me. Over the years, I'm sure I have said and done many things that were immature and obnoxious. But she is my sister and accepts me. Even though we have 10 years between us, Jenelle was always a second mom to me when I was growing up. Now, she is my best friend and we talk and see each other almost daily. I call her for advice on the topics of motherhood, marriage and most commonly just to vent. We have not always been on the same wavelength, but in the last few years, we have probably become the closest we have ever been.

Now when I think of my relationship with my adoptive sister, it gives me just one more reason to be grateful for my adoption. Although I think and pray for my birth family, wherever they may be, I can't imagine my life without my eternal sister, whom I will have forever.

In doing more and more research on adoption and my birth country Korea, I am growing addicted to my history and where I come from. I wonder if all adoptees go through this process. It is so interesting to me that up until I had Londyn, I was completely satisfied with the mystery that my pre-adoption life held. I have never had any urge to find my birth family and now I want more than anything to find them.

Holt is the adoption agency that I was adopted through and they have many opportunities for adoptees, young and old. Holt lead an Adult Adoptee Tour in Korea once a year. The tour is a mix of the Korean culture and country, while also exploring your adoption. On the tour you visit the Holt office in Korea, receive your original adoption file, visit the orphanage you were placed in and if possible, reunite with your birth family. All of the site seeing and culture, does not amount to the possibility of meeting my birth family. There is definitely no guarantee of finding these individuals, but just the possibility is worth the adventure. Having learned about this trip, I just want to hop on a plane and get there as fast as I possibly can. But I know that when the time is right, everything will fall into place. I hope to go on this trip someday with my parents and my husband."

Originally written on October 21, 2010

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